We are a network of mutual aid groups in Durham, NC.
Find your neighborhood’s mutual aid group below. Click for contact info. Take your neighborhood’s survey to share your needs and ways you can offer support.
Burch Ave.
Survey: bit.ly/burchavenue
Email: burchavemutualaid@gmail.com
Phone: 919-283-1657
Cleveland Holloway
Email: CHMutualAid@gmail.com
Colonial Village / North Durham
Email: NorthgateResponse@gmail.com
Website: durhammutualaid.org/north/
Duke Park
Website: durhammutualaid.org/onddp/
Survey: bit.ly/onddpmutualaid
Email: ondmutualaid@gmail.com
Leave a voicemail or text at (919) 283-9533
Survey: bit.ly/lakewoodresponse
Email: lakewoodresponse@gmail.com
Phone: 919-351-9926
Long Meadow
Email: longmeadowhelps@gmail.com
Northgate Park / North Durham
Website: durhammutualaid.org/north/
Survey: tiny.cc/northgatepark
Email: NorthgateResponse@gmail.com
Phone: 919-886-4614
Old North Durham
Website: durhammutualaid.org/onddp/
Survey: bit.ly/onddpmutualaid
Email: ondmutualaid@gmail.com
Leave a voicemail or text at (919) 283-9533
Old West Durham
Email: old.west.aid@gmail.com
Patterson Place
Survey: https://tinyurl.com/SWDurhamSurvey
Email: swdurhammutualaid@gmail.com
Thompson Ridge
Email: tridgemutualaid@gmail.com
Trinity Park
Survey: bit.ly/trinityparkconnect
Email: trinityparkmutualaid@gmail.com
Survey: bit.ly/WalltownResponse
Email: walltownmutualaid@gmail.com
Watts Hillandale
Survey: http://bit.ly/whmutualaid
Email: WattsHillandaleMutualAid@gmail.com
West End
Survey: http://www.bit.ly/westendstrong
Email: westendstrong@gmail.com
Mutual aid is happening all over Durham in every neighborhood (and in areas that aren’t defined as neighborhoods). The groups listed here are just those that have formally joined our Durham Mutual Aid network so far. If you’d like to have your group listed here or if you’d like to learn about how to start a group, email us at durham.mutual.aid@gmail.com.
More resources
For many more local COVID-19 resources (food, healthcare, crisis support, etc), check out this spreadsheet.
What is mutual aid?
Everyone has something to give and something to offer, not just physical resources but time, labor, encouragement, and ideas. Mutual aid is about recognizing that the dominant system is not meeting all of our needs for survival and that we can organize to meet each other’s needs now. Mutual aid cannot pay everyone’s rent (and we recognize that will soon be a universal crisis) but we can take care of each other today and tomorrow in smaller ways. For more info on “mutual aid,” see The Big Door Brigade and Mutual Aid Disaster Relief.